About Us

We are an all volunteer organization who are passionate about children’s well being around the world.
In 2015, Christian Children’s Foundation completed its first year of service.  We made grants to bring hope to many children in less developed countries. Christian Children’s Foundation works with Christian grassroots community leaders and organizations to address the needs that local leaders have identified as the most important.  In 2008, in Andhra Pradesh, India, I had met the leaders of the Meriba Child Care Association and the children they served. They had been working with children in their community for many years, and they believed that the time had come to provide a safe home for the children who had lost one or both parents and needed a place to live that would enable them to attend school.  These orphaned and vulnerable children are sometimes abused or forced to leave school to work at a young age. While some of the children have relatives, they are often too ill or too poor to care for them full time and provide support to enable them to attend school. In this home, which was named for me, Sherlie Home, the Christian caregivers provide children have nutritious meals every day, new clothes and nice school uniforms.  They get the medical care they need, and they all go together to school every day. They come home to study and have Bible study and prayers.
For accountability, it is important to visit the projects we support to determine whether they are accomplishing what we agreed to support.  Christian Children’s Foundation has a personal connection with the individuals we support as we help them care for the children in their communities.  A team from the home came from India to the U.S. for Orphan Sunday in November 2014 to share the vision for their work with the children and the plans for the new facility.  
We are grateful to those who have joined with us to support this work.  This is an investment that is changing lives.
With gratitude,
Sherlie Scribner, Ed.D.
Executive Director


Christian Children’s Foundation

P O Box 7936, McLean VA 22106
